A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia

A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia
My favorite barrier!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Some more gray land
Sometimes, this is how I get stuff done:)

Showers, Crib, and Patient Care

I can't believe how chilly it is getting here now. When I got up yesterday morning it was in the low 60's and I found myself putting on my hooded sweatshirt before heading to the gym. I would compare the days to Colorado in about mid-September. We still see the 70's during the day but it drops below 50 at night. Sure makes the port-a-potty seats an even less welcome place to be in the middle of the night.

I decided to add a lot of photos to this blog since I suppose some of my family and friends still don't have a very good mental image of what things look like out here. The most distinguishing thing about the bases here are that all the buildings are exactly the same color, which just happens to be the same color as the surrounding earth. When we arrived, the sky was also a shade of gray/tan, but I have actually seen some clouds and some blue skies even now that we are heading into winter. It is a nice change. As you will see in the pictures, the only colored things on base are the large barriers that prior units have left their mark on. There is some amazing artistry on these things, and when you see the dates it is a sad reminder that we have been at war now for over 10 years. Camp Buehring, a camp about 25 minutes from Camp Virginia is COVERED with these colorful murals on their barriers. It is an awesome site to see, as some of them take up 3-4 in an continuous picture. If I get a chance I will post some of them. Camp Buehring is only about 20 min from the Iraqi border.

Of course there is one barrier that is close to my heart, it won't be hard to figure out which one. I know it seems crazy but I pass by this one at least once a week and it gives me emotions ranging from sad (missing home) to super proud (when I imagine a bunch of soldiers getting together with their CO pride and making this mural 3 years ago).

As far as work is going, I have been averaging about 25 patients a week which keeps us pretty busy. We have it set up so that on MON,WED,FRI, andSAT I do dentistry and exams, and on TUES and THURS my tech does cleanings. The large group of 650 soldiers will have their replacements coming in about 2 weeks, and then they will be leaving early December and letting the new battalion take over. I expect my numbers will really get low again after mid-december because most of the new guys coming in will have just had there exams, and most of their work done. I am anxious about getting bored again like I was in the beginning.

We had a fun Halloween here that started with a 5K race at 6 pm in costume, and then we dressed up and went to the USO for a murder mystery, costume contest, and bobbing for apples. There were some interesting costumes. Some of which were aimed at the new Don't ask Don't Tell Repeal, and others that were just products of too much time on your hands with not enough of the right materials :) My parents sent me a lady GAGA wig, glasses, and hood and then Lilly and I made me a skirt out of trash bags, and biohazard bags. It ended up being a pretty cool costume.

I have narrowed down my piece of the earth here which I will be for the next 4 months. It is about 1 square mile. My route is home-gym (.2 miles) gym-shower (.2 miles)shower-home (.15 miles) home-work (10 steps) work-cafeteria (.33 miles). That is it!!! The PX, library, starbucks, and post office are all in between home and the gym. I really can't believe that is as far as I have been in 3 months, considering that when I am home Brad and I will be all over the US in that amount of time.

November 17th is our half-way date (aprox). It seems like it has gone fast, but at the same time it still seems like we should be further along. November 12th will be 4 months since I saw Brad and Sparky :( Everything here seems to be focused around time here. , how long since you arrived, how long till you go home, how long till this or that.

I miss everyone and hope things are going good back home! Blog you soon!