A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia

A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia
My favorite barrier!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well folks, this will be my last blog before I finally get to head home! I can't wait to say goodbye to Camp Virgnia after 7 months. Everyone has been talking about going home now for the last 2 months but today as I walk past our dry-erase board in the clinic I see in big letters " 9 DAYS LEFT ON CAMP VIRGINIA!". Single digits! It seems impossible. Since the last blog there have been only a few "highlights" to speak of that will comprise most of my photos this blog.
- In January we had a dining-in which is a dinner with all the officers and cheifs that was held down at AJ. In contrast to the more formal "dining-in" where spouses are invited, this one was just goofy as everyone altered their uniforms, or just wore ridiculous things alltogether. One of my favorites was from our Psychologist who wore spandex with underwear over them, a cape, and carried a whip around during the event! Pretty weird.....but you know how Psychologists are. Lilly and I had fake warefare devices embroidered on our uniforms that showed the bravery we displayed by being the only camp with absolutely NO indoor toilets!

- As far as unique patients, I had a patient that had a congenital disorder of his teeth that I have never seen in real life...only dental books. It is interesting how many people perceive themselves to be at some genetic disadvantage when it comes to their teeth, or those that have even been told by their own parents things like "ahh, all the Downey's have terrible teeth!" or "the Thorpe's have weak enamel, that is why we all have cavities". ( Sorry to use my family, but just making a point!). I have even had patients say "Well, my Dad had a denture at 35, so I assume I will too!" It is frustrating to have to explain to these people that GENETICALLY speaking, only a tiny fraction of individuals have "weak enamel" or "bad teeth". It was interesting to actually get to see this first hand. The patient was about 22 and his teeth were literally wearing away down to little stubs. He actually did not have any decay at all, but has a genetic disorder called Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type 2. He will likely NOT have teeth much longer than 10 more years. I wish I could show my patients that do not brush, floss, or practice any good oral hygeine habits this kid to say.... "see, you don not have this condition.... your habits are what have gotten you where you are".
(Sorry for getting on my dental soap box there!)

- So January dragged like crazy, but on the 6th of February we got a chance to go off post again and we visited the Grande Mosque in Kuwait City. It was built in 89 so it is fairly new. Not that impressive to be honest. All the wood inside was Teak wood, and the chandeliers came from Germany, and the stained glass from France, so that was neat...but was not like seeing a really old church at all. They really were proud of the square footage of carpet in the main prayer room. It was interesting to wear the hijab and hear how intense the Muslim religion is.
After we saw the mosque we went to the Kuwaiti Towers and had an awesome meal. Their vegetarian dishes are unreal here! There were over 20 different things to choose from, incredibly diverse and flavorful dishes. I would love to take you all there!!!

So, since going into Kuwait we have been mailing off large boxes of all the things we collected here, working out really hard to get that last little bit of "I won't be able to work out 2 hours a day when I get home" freedom, and getting ready to show the new group how it's done. I will have a CDR replace me here at Camp Virginia. I have about 3 days to show him all the lovely things there are to know about the dental clinic and then he will be all on his own.

To summarize, I will list top 3, and worst 3 things about this deployment:


3. Bathroom/Shower being .25 miles away
2. Sleeping in a twin bed for 8 months on a hard matress
1. The leadership/or lack there of


3. Learning how to run a dental clinic
2. Exercising and Reading more than I ever could in the state (Free Time)
1. Meeting LTJG Greenwood, someone I am sure will be a lifelong friend

Thats all! See you in the STATES!!
Thank you for all your support from home, helping me get through this adventure.
