A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia

A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia
My favorite barrier!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 2

LTJG Greenwood and I standing outside the clinic (TMC) Troop Medical Clinic
My House (second door on the end)

Single Operatory (I have 4 in the clinic)

Dental Wing
This week I did more organizing, throwing away, cleaning off dust etc. I saw a total of 13 patients some with legit dental issues, and then some that were definitely something that we needed to call the WAAAmbulance for, including my 8:30 Dental Emergency that happened today!Twice now since I have arrived I have had someone come running after me on my way back from the gym to tell me we had a dental emergency, and "where was I?"... of course I don't have a duty phone like the docs,(we are working on that) so nobody can get ahold of me unless I am in my room.
Where was I? I will give you a hint: Eating, Sleeping, Working Out, Doing Laundry or In the Shower/Bathroom....that is where I will be for the next 7 months :)
It seems I frequently go from being "Oh, she is just a dentist" to " Thank god we have a dentist" which I am okay with.... unlike The Hangover, you will not get me to extract my own tooth by telling me I'm not a real doctor!
In fact... the PA, and Nurse have had to see so many rectums lately, I am very proud to not be a real doctor:)
On with my story.... so one was a root canal at 9:30 pm last Sunday, but the one worthy of the Waaambulance was today. I got the message on my way back from the shower that a girl at a nearby base knocked her tooth out. So I asked them to get ahold of her again and tell her to put the tooth in milk (yes, that is not just urban myth) and come on down. 2 hours later, the pt shows up with her partial denture in hand, and a plastic tooth submerged in about 10 oz of milk! Are you kidding.... the tooth was not even real, it had broken off her denture as she was devouring crab legs last night! ARRRG
#1. WTF
#2. We didn't get crab legs last night!
I am posting a bunch of pics for you guys to see the lay of the land and the clinic.


  1. Hang in there babe! You will get them whipped into shape.

  2. I love your posts. Always comical yet filled with so much information. I'm glad you can't post the smell of the bathroom! I guess be thankful you have a toilet?!?!? You're doing great! Love ya!
