A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia

A Piece of Home at Camp Virginia
My favorite barrier!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 3

On Wednesday my OIC (officer in charge) went to a command meeting and let Camp Virginia know that they now have a dentist. It may have not been related, but on Thursday I saw 8 patients. It was a really busy day. Many of the Stryker teams are coming through and when they come to me, they have such limited time before they leave again that my hands are tied as far as what I can do for them. In fact just last night I had a guy come with an absessed tooth (said it had been bothering him the entire deployment!) and I couldn't do a root canal on him because his plane was leaving in 2 hours. I just gave him antibiotics and percocet, hopefully the change in altitude won't be too bad on him.

Last night we had some friends from our detachment come up and have a barbeque with us at Camp Virginia. It was a great turnout, was curious why anyone would want to leave their camp to come here, but as it turns out there are things to be desired about a small camp away from the mother-ship.

I got talked into doing a 5K run at 7 pm. I wasn't plannig on doing it because I thought it would be too hot, but the people from the other camp twisted my arm and I went ahead and did it. Glad that I did as I won and got a $25 gift certificate. It reminds me of Yuma because there are about 35 guys running the race and only 7 girls.... makes it much easier to take home a prize.

Not much else went on this last week. Now I am just in my office trying to wrap up my applications to University of Iowa and University of Michigan.

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